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Jessica Tice

West Virginia Students and Educators Attend 2013 Student Success Summit

August 5, 2013

Article: WBOY The State Department of Education, community college system, and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission collaborate for the Student Success Summit. The Summit looks at the education system from elementary school through college. Its goal is to better serve students so they’re more likely to finish high school and go into post-secondary training. Students and educators from around the state attended the event, started August 5 and will continue August 6. Scott High School Higher Education Readiness Officers, or HEROs, went to learn how to better their outreach program lead by students. “We want to get a…

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Statewide College Application and Exploration Week assists students with college prep

September 25, 2012

Article: West Virginia Executive Magazine View the original article Jessica Kennedy West Virginia needs 20,000 more college graduates by 2018 to meet work force demands, but state officials say many students are skipping a critical first step in the college-planning process—submitting a college application. To help more students complete that task, the College Foundation of West Virginia (CFWV) will host its third annual College Application and Exploration Week from October 1st-5th. College Application and Exploration Week is a statewide outreach event during which the state’s secondary schools, higher education institutions and other community organizations focus on helping students explore their…

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